Why do you need a Personal Licence?

Personal licence Blog

Selling or supplying alcohol from a licensed premises is accompanied by a personal license. While it is not necessary for every individual selling alcohol at a licensed premise to possess a personal license, all alcohol sales and supplies must be made by or authorized by a holder of a personal license. The purpose of the personal license is to guarantee that anyone operating, or the distribution or sale of alcohol will do it in a competent manner.

To apply for a personal license, you must first obtain an accredited qualification. The purpose of the qualification is to guarantee that license holders understand the licensing law and the broader social responsibilities involved in the sale of alcohol.

The topics covered by this course include:

  • The Licensing Act 2003
  • Premises Licenses and Club Premises Certificates
  • Licensing Objectives
  • Powers of Enforcement and Offences
  • Temporary Events Notices (TENs)
  • Responsibility in Alcohol Retailing

Where can I do my personal licence training course?

You can complete the course with Innpacked in person, online, or by having us come to you with our Bespoke Face to Face Personal Licence Course.

What next?

To get the licence you need to apply to the council.

The application is divided into two sections.

Conviction disclosure and declaration form: This form requires the declaration of any relevant convictions or foreign offenses listed in Schedule 4 and Section 113 of the Licensing Act 2003.

The application for a personal license must be filled out completely and precisely; if it is not, it will be sent back to you.

After completing all of this, you can submit it to the council with:

Two passport-size photos, one of which needs to be certified correctly identifying the applicant by a notary public, a solicitor, a well-known member of the community, or someone with a professional degree.

DBS certification

Certificate of Accredited Qualification

Correct fee: £37 is the cost of applying for a personal license.

Right to work in the UK: As of April 6, 2017, anyone applying for a personal license will need to provide proof of their right to work in the UK with their application. Unfortunately, your application will be denied by the council if you do not submit the required supporting documentation.

Although each local authority has a different processing time, it can take up to three months to process an application that is properly filled out and submitted.

We can accelerate the procedure of applying for your Personal Licence:

Our typical turnaround time from exam to license is three weeks because Innpacked submits DBS checks and applications every day. We follow up on your application every day if the council is late.

We will review all your forms before submitting them.

From the beginning to the end, you will have your license adviser.

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