The benefits of Temporary Events Notice’s (TENS)

It is surprising how many businesses have not heard of a Temporary event notice (TENs). This can be significant to a business and help drive customers in to the premises and also become regular customers.
Using TENs can open your business up to visiting Summer Fetes, Fairs, One off Events. You can use these to help with a company re-launch, Party, New product.
Temporary event notices (TENs) enable small-scale, public events to take place at a location that is not already licensed without the need for a full premises licence, where one or more of the following licensable activities will take place:
- selling alcohol (or supplying it for free at a ticketed event)
- offering “regulated entertainment” such as plays, films, indoor sports, boxing or wrestling, music and dancing or similar
- supplying food above room temperature between 11pm and 5am
No more than 499 people, including staff, may attend the event at any one time. If there are 500 people or more, a full premises licence will be required.
Whether the event is intended for a charitable purpose or not makes no difference to the legal licensing requirements.
You don’t even need a Personal Licence to have a Temporary Events Notice, but if you do you can have up to 50 a year.
Let Innpacked take care of your Temporary Events Notice, just contact us on our freephone number 08000 786 056. Or book using this link Temporary Event Notice – Innpacked | Licensing Specialists